Your Career – What Are Your Long Term Career Goals?


Careers are something we get introduced to at school around age 16, but by the time school finishes the discussion gets forgotten and we’re on our own. For those who had some proper career guidance, or heaven forbid knew what they wanted to do for a living, the future was undoubtably brighter.

We labelled them as the ‘haves’ and ourselves the ‘have-nots.’

The key to a successful career

The key to a successful career is knowing what you want, capitalising ideally on our natural talents. Then planning career goals to improve these talents and skills to make us indispensable as part of any organisation.

Unfortunately schools don’t tell you any of this, even worse they barely mention goal setting as part of their curriculum, despite long-term research and overwhelming evidence which tells us that career goals and long-term planning are the key to success of the individual.

What are your present career goals?

Don’t have any? Don’t worry, you’re not alone – and more importantly, all is not lost! Many of us start out with little or no idea of what we want to do, let alone have any career goals, yet Napoleon Hill’s distant research tells us most people don’t hit their career stride until well into their 40’s and 50’s, even 60’s – which should be a comfort to many! Famous personal development coach Brian Tracy agrees and is a fine example not reaching sustained success until well into his 40’s.

So we need goals. Career goals. Some idea of where we’re headed. Without a plan, we have no idea of where we’re going or what progress we’re making unless we judge our success by our bank balance at the end of the month! You know all this already.

See also  Ten Things to Consider About Your Career Decision

But what if you’re way down track in your ‘career’ and have given up all hope of ever doing what you truly want for a living?

What role education plays

If you think you lack the education, or skills, or experience, think again. Education may provide a career path for some, but an educated person is no more than someone who can get people around them with the skills they need, or lack, to perform any job they desire.

Napoleon Hill refers to this principle as the mastermind and gives many examples in his books “Think and Grow Rich” and “The Law of Success” both of which are widely available for free.

But what if you don’t want to get involved with groups of people and prefer to build something a little closer to home without the fuss? It can be done but you have to rely on yourself, your skills, and your motivation. It’s called being self-employed and is often more challenging than a regular job as you have to factor in everything yourself like running a full-blown business. Plus your income is limited by the number of hours you can bill in a day, unless you’re work is high value, high demand.

However, you don’t need to hire employees to benefit from the skills and knowledge of groups of people sympathetic to your cause.

How to get your career back on track

That’s provided you’re in the right career to begin with. By the time we leave school or further education, it’s easy to fall into any job just to pay the bills.

See also  Divine Career Selection: Should Our Career Choices Bring Us Happiness?

Know what you want to do for a living but don’t know how to pull it off?

How about the idea of building a career from something you know and love, even a hobby?

Sound incredible? It’s not.

Actually, it does sound a little incredible, and because of this it’s better you saw the evidence for yourself! It is possible to salvage a good living from something you love with the aid of Napoleon Hill’s mastermind principle. After all, what’s the alternative?

Imagine yourself in this situation

Imagine doing what you love every day? Most people can’t, but career fulfillment begins here. And the best way of doing this is to share with you how other people are already doing it so you can do the same. You can even diversify and change as your career goals expand (and make yourself indispensable in the process!)