What are examples of careers?


Improve Communication Skills

Exemplary employees are adept at giving and receiving information. Messages delivered in person, over the phone or in writing are clear, unambiguous and easy to understand. Effective communicators are valued by employers because they can be trusted to give presentations, lead groups and act as a company spokesperson. Career goals for increasing your verbal, written or interpersonal communication skills should be specific and identify a timeline for taking action.


Attend a cross-cultural communication workshop offered by the Diversity Institute in June to increase understanding of the diverse populations we serve.

Within two months, find and join an organization like Toastmasters International that teaches public speaking skills.

Carefully proofread professional emails each day before sending to ensure they are concise, clear and error free.

Enhance Leadership Ability

There are ways to display and attain leadership qualities in any type of job. Employers appreciate initiative, drive, motivation and a take-charge attitude. Opportunities for promotion increase if you can provide examples of leadership initiative, such as leading an organization, planning an event or recruiting volunteers to help you with a big project. Look for ways you can demonstrate and enhance your leadership skills through new experiences in the company or in related areas. Set measurable goals that will strengthen your confidence as a leader.


Volunteer to chair the employee recognition committee that organizes the annual award banquet.

Run for the office of treasurer in my professional organization this fall.

Sign up for the leadership development series being offered next month by human resources.

Gain Teamwork Experience

Employers prefer team players to individuals who hoard information and look out for their own self-interests. Setting career goals related to teamwork demonstrates your ability to get along with others and pursue a shared vision. When employees with complementary skills join together, there is a synergistic effect. The outcome can even surpass expectations. Set career goals that reflect your desire to expand your team player skills.

See also  Motivational Career Posters To Stay On Track With Your Career Goal


Immediately form an employee wellness committee to organize and lead weekly events promoting exercise and healthy eating.

Join the customer service process improvement team that is redesigning the training program for new hires in the call center.

Serve as my department’s representative on the company’s cross-departmental quality control team.

Learn New Technology

Recent college graduates have the advantage of knowing the latest technology used in their field. However, technology changes with lightning speed. Therefore, all employees must engage in continual learning to keep technology skills relevant. Common career goals reflect an awareness of emerging technologies and willingness to get onboard. Be ready to explain how you plan to integrate technology into your work to maximize productivity. Set career goals that demonstrate your willingness to embrace new technology.